Prayers for Our Community

Prayers for Our Community

PRAYERS FOR OUR COMMUNITY by local Baton Rouge religious leaders. 
Pause throughout the day for prayer. 

7:00 am   Baha'i video
8:00 am   Baptist  video 
9:00 am   Buddhist  video  
10:00 am Catholic 
11:00 am Christian Science video
noon        Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints video
1:00 pm   Cooperative Baptist Fellowship video
2:00 pm   Disciples of Christ video 
3:00 pm   Episcopal video
4:00 pm   Friends Meeting (Quakers) video 
5:00 pm   Greek Orthodox video
6:00 pm   Islam video
7:00 pm   Jewish video
8:00 pm   Lutheran  video 
9:00 pm   Methodist video
10:00 pm Presbyterian video
11;00 pm Unitarian
12:00 pm Unity  video

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